Helm Chart
This document describes how to install Kubectyl in your Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
WARNING This helm chart is forced to run strictly on HTTPS to get the best experience. To install it, you will need 2 subdomains, such as panel.example.com and kuber.example.com.
It is recommended that subdomains use Cloudflare proxy to get the best security.
Kubernetes 1.19+
Helm 3.2.0+
To install the Helm chart, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Add Helm Repository
Add the Helm repository to your local Helm setup by running the following command:
Step 2: Update Helm Repositories
Update your local Helm repositories by running the following command:
Step 3: Create values.yaml
Create a values.yaml file to provide custom configuration values for your deployment:
Step 4: Install the Helm Chart
Install the Helm chart by running the following command:
This command will install the "kubectyl" chart using the values defined in values.yaml. You can modify the release name "kubectyl" as desired.
Step 5: Add The First User
You'll then need to create an administrative user so that you can log into the panel. To do so, run the command below. At this time passwords must meet the following requirements: 8 characters, mixed case, at least one number.
Upgrading the Helm Chart
To upgrade the Helm chart to a new version, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Update values.yaml
If there are any configuration changes required for the new version of the chart, update the values.yaml file with the necessary modifications. You can use the same values.yaml file that you created during the installation process.
Step 2: Upgrade the Helm Release
Run the following command to upgrade the Helm release:
This command will upgrade the "kubectyl" release to the new version specified in the updated values.yaml file.
Step 3: Verify the Upgrade
To verify that the upgrade was successful, you can check the release status by running:
Ensure that the release is in the "DEPLOYED" state, indicating a successful upgrade.
Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded the Helm chart to the new version.
Uninstalling the Helm Chart
To uninstall the Helm chart and remove all associated resources, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Uninstall the Helm Release
Run the following command to uninstall the Helm release:
This command will remove the "kubectyl" release and delete all resources created by the chart.
Step 2: Verify
To verify that the uninstallation was successful, you can check the release status by running:
Ensure that the release is not found, indicating a successful uninstallation.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of this chart and their default values.
Password for the root
user. Ignored if existing secret is provided.
Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided
Last updated